A price per word!
Because every translation project is unique, our rates vary depending on the subject matter, the complexity of the text and the desired delivery date.

Your revisions at a low price!
For all your proofreading projects, we apply an hourly rate or a rate based on the number of words, depending on the type and complexity of the source text.

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and receive a detailed quote within 24 hours!
Send us your documents now
and receive a detailed quote within 24 hours!
Our rates vary depending on the complexity of the text, the language combination and even the desired delivery date.
Do you want a quote for the translation of your documents?
Send us your files and receive a quote within 24 hours.
How to contact us
- By email: info@sfx.be
- By phone: +32 (0) 4 277 88 08
- By Skype: SFX_Translated
- Via our website for a quote via our interface
More details on the Contact page.